All the apps under the developer name  Muhammad Hassan in Apple iTunes store, Madani-inc and BasriStudios in Google play store collect anonymous application usage data , crashes, and device model. All the data is gathered using thrid party library and you can read their privacy policy at , firebase analytics , Admob Adsense mobile sdk [ Ads for apps under  Muhammad HassanBasriStudios]  and Crashlytics  The data collected might be shared with third parties and always used to improve the user experience and Ads targeting. All the data is aggregated and it is impossible to identify usage per device. If you have any other question please leave a comment here. 

Note: iOS apps have app store description as explicit privacy policy section that dictates what is being collected and how it is processed. 

We collect and retain certain information related to the purchase of rabbits, including, but not limited to, email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses associated with the source of the rabbit. This information is stored and processed exclusively within the Google Cloud infrastructure located in the United States. We adhere to strict confidentiality protocols, ensuring that this data is not disclosed to or accessed by any individual or entity outside our company, nor is it shared with any third-party organizations or service providers. The data is exclusively visible and accessible through the rabbit details page and is available solely to the individual account holder.
We appreciate and respect user privacy, particularly for users residing within the European Union. If you have reservations about your data being stored outside the EU, or have any other privacy concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us directly for clarification or assistance, or you may exercise your right to delete the pertinent information from our servers.
Additionally, it is important for users to be aware that, as part of accessing our services, basic information from your Google account, including your email address, is stored on Google servers. We do not hold liability for the storage of this information by Google, and the decision to use our service under these conditions remains at the user's discretion. If you have concerns regarding this aspect of data storage, we recommend that you consider deleting your account and discontinuing the use of our service.